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Colorado Association of Naturopathic Physicians
1181 S. Parker Rd. Suite 101
Denver, CO
Phone: (303) 380-1189
Email Us
" KEYWORD Colorado Association of Naturopathic Physicians "

The Colorado Association of Naturopathic Physicians (CANP) is a professional association of naturopathic doctors (NDs) who live and work in Colorado. Our members are graduates of accredited four-year, graduate-level, in-residence naturopathic medical programs. While the State of Colorado does not regulate the naturopathic profession at this time through registration or licensure, all of our members maintain a naturopathic physician's license in one of the twelve states that currently regulates the practice of naturopathic medicine.

The Colorado Association of Naturopathic Physicians is a professional membership association representing Colorado naturopathic doctors. The CANP is incorporated as a Colorado nonprofit corporation. As an organization, the CANP supports strong professional standards, continuing education for NDs, and promotion of the full scope of naturopathic medicine throughout the state and region in a regulatory environment consistent with protection of the public interest. We support inclusion, collaboration and equal access for all licensed medical professions in the health care field. The CANP also reaches out to the public and interfaces with other professional organizations to represent naturopathic medicine and physicians in Colorado.

Naturopathic physicians are trained as general practice physicians, covering all aspects of family health from prenatal to geriatrics, and as specialists in natural medicine, using effective, individualized natural therapies to promote health and treat the underlying cause of disease.

Naturopathic doctors integrate scientific knowledge and standards with the healing power and wisdom of nature. As thoroughly trained medical professionals, naturopathic doctors are uniquely able to bridge “conventional” and “alternative” methods in diagnosis, treatment, and health education, providing an integrative approach to healthcare.

The CANP is dedicated to advancing the principles of naturopathic medicine and expanding access for the people of Colorado to this important natural, prevention-based form of health care.

1181 S. Parker Rd. Suite 101
Denver, CO 80231
(303) 380-1189

For inquiries, please contact:

Dr. Justin Pollack, Secretary

If you are writer or reporter interested in interviewing any of our member doctors, please contact our media coordinator:

Michelle Dally:
303 356-2532